Litters (2002-Present)
No Litters Planned for 2024
If you would like to reach out to me for advice or referrals regarding buying a Bull Terrier, or for advice on training, showing or breeding Bull Terriers, I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. I have five Bull Terriers of my own, and most of them are involved in some kind of training or rehab program. I also volunteer in multiple roles in several non profit organizations so immediate responses may not always be possible. I would like good people to own and enjoy good quality Bull Terriers and I’ll do what I can to help that happen.
Litter Born November 16, 2022

I bred Amy, GCH Ch Nuance Next Big Thing, ROM, BROM, CGC, TKN. RATN in September to Bunter, Ch Bullymoon Stands for Liberty with Sandstone ROM, TKI. Bunter is an excellent example of the “Bulldog” style of Bull Terrier, which is a complement to Amy’s more upstanding, “Dalmatian” style lines. I am hoping the puppies will get Bunter’s great width of head and substance while retaining a little more of Amy’s length of foreface, angulation, and clean lines. Both parents have AKC Trick Dog titles, so hoping the puppies will also be eager to learn and show off! Bunter also pursues nosework in his spare time and I hope to get Amy working in Rally Obedience in 2023, after her mom retires from sports that require jumping.
This is a line breeding to the great producer, UK Ch Megaville’s Visions. All puppies will be white and could have head markings of any color. You can’t see it from these photos, but both parents have head markings on their right (non-show) sides, Bunter’s is brindle and Amy’s is black brindle and both their mothers are white with red head markings.
Amy’s pregnancy was confirmed via ultrasound on October 14, 2022. She was not a big fan of being held upside down on a V shaped cushion, so Dr. Malinak persisted long enough to measure 4 puppies and show me how to tell there was a beating heart on the display, but that is not necessarily an accurate count. We followed up with an x-ray on November 9th and saw 7 puppies!

Amy delivered 7 Bull Terrier puppies on November 16, 2022. Unfortunately one boy was stillborn, and probably triggered the earlier than expected delivery. Two more died on November 18th, one boy who was small and very thin at birth, and a healthy appearing girl, who it turned out had inhaled amniotic fluid which severely damaged her lungs (discovered during a necropsy by a Michigan State University pathologist)

The healthy puppies continued to thrive, but just as they turned 3 weeks old, Amy got violently ill one night, she threw up huge amounts of food and liquid and couldn’t keep anything down. Although my first suspicion was an obstruction, the symptoms were not quite right, she was still willing to eat and drink, and she kept things down for over an hour. The next day I was able to get her in at Schultz Veterinary Clinic in Okemos. After several blood tests and an ultrasound, they discovered she had dangerously high liver values and an inflamed and enlarged gall bladder. She was sent home with several medications and I was instructed to wean the puppies immediately, as the medications were not safe for nursing puppies. She was very lethargic for a day but rebounded well after that and felt great for her 2 week check up after the incident. Her gall bladder is back to normal size and shows no sign of dangerous mucoceles. I allowed her to visit the puppies wearing a “Suitical” to prevent nursing.
The rapid weaning caused some digestive upsets, but with the help of some prescription Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Puppy food, they got straightened out and after a couple of weeks were eating normal “all ages” puppy food with nice solid poops. Now, as they approach 10 weeks of age, the first puppy, who was deaf in one ear, has left home for Grand Rapids and they are starting to squabble, so I need to start making choices and placing the rest of them.

Three girls and one boy are alive and healthy, two girls and a boy are still at Nuance Bull Terriers. I am hoping to keep one puppy to show, and am currently leaning toward the boy, so I have two female Bull Terrier puppies for sale. All three look to have show potential, with the main question mark being how their mouths look when they teethe.
All these Bull Terrier puppies are getting basic crate, recall, walking and attention training. The are all bilateral hearing, up to date on vaccines and checked clear for internal parasites. They can go potty outside, even in the snow and are already experienced travelers, as they had to go out of state for quality hearing tests and took the trip in stride.
2 White Male Puppies Born February 25, 2021

I bred Amy, GCH Ch Nuance Next Big Thing, ROM, BROM, CGC, TKN. RATN in late December 2020 with puppies due in February, 2020. In this breeding, I wanted to take Amy’s elegant style and shorten everything up a bit and strengthen her head. I also don’t care for her size, her mother weighs around 50 pounds, Amy is pushing 60 which is bigger than I really want for a personal pet, so I was hoping to find a stud dog that was on the small side, which is difficult when considering contemporary show dogs. Sully, Serenbull Soul Anarchy, is a small, typy dog with a powerful head, short back, and lovely construction.
For any pedigree nerds out there, this is a line breeding to UK Ch Silver Bullet the Joker at Javarke. He is in the pedigree three times through his son UK Ch Teirwgwyn Son of a Gun at Meilow on Sully’s side of the pedigree as well as through two other offspring behind Amy’s father, Am/UK Ch Megaville’s Signing Off ROM.
What I’m looking to get are puppies that are more compact than Amy, with a stronger head and smaller eye. I’m hoping Amy will contribute her length of head and correct bite. Both parents have good tail sets, so I’m hoping to see more of the same in the puppies. Both parents are very sweet with people and other dogs. Amy, like her mother, is also one of the more biddable Bull Terriers I’ve owned, so I’m hoping the puppies will keep up that tradition.
Since both parents are white, all puppies will be white and any head markings will be black, since Sully carries tricolor and Amy carries black brindle.
An x-ray taken 5 days prior to Amy’s official due date of February 23rd showed only one puppy, or so the vet said. With single puppies, there is always a risk they will not generate enough hormones when they are ready to be born to actually turn on hard labor. Acting on this knowledge, I opted to have a C-section done two days after the due date when Amy was showing some signs of impending labor, but 24 hours later, no strong contractions. We went to the same vet that did the x-ray and they found 2 puppies! The second one is small, but strong and is gaining weight steadily.
Unfortunately, neither puppy grew up to be show quality. The smaller one, had an elbow deformity that required surgery and he went to live with Michelle Long nearby in Livonia. His brother is also in the Metro Detroit area, and unfortunately had an undescended testicle. Without these disqualifying faults, both boys would have had show potential. There were both of the moderate size I was hoping for and had loads of bone, lovely heads, and evil expressions.
Puppy Born May 1, 2020
GCH Ch ActionDevil’s Apprentice by Formula, ROM ex GCH Ch Nuance Night in Tunisia, ROM, CGC, TKN

In this breeding, my primary goal is to improve Iris’s high set, curled tail and tighten up her construction just a bit. Iris is smart, has a sweet, silly disposition and is in my preferred size range at 54 pounds. Hamilton is a big, sweet dog and has both a straight, correctly set tail and nice hard muscle tone. Iris has more width of muzzle and tidier ears, Hamilton has better shoulder construction and tighter feet.
Iris had one brindle and white female puppy born May 1, 2020. As a very young puppy, she appeared to have show potential, but as she grew, her head never developed much width and she had a very small underjaw, which resulted in both lower canines being instanding (inside the upper canines rather than meshing in front of them.) Fortunately, her jaw and teeth are so undersized the canines don’t impact her gums or palate, which is the biggest issue that can result from this mouth fault. Other than her head, her body is well constructed, she got her dad’s good feet and her mom’s lovely ear set. She’s smart like her mom and likes to chase varmints like her dad. Tail set, well that was slightly better than mom’s but nowhere as good as I’d hoped. She’s now off in her own home where she’ll be a well-loved pet for a family that has owned several Bull Terriers in the past.
As with Livi’s litter born in 2017, I followed the Puppy Culture protocols raising her, and taking time to review the videos specific to singletons (litters of one) on the Puppy Culture site. The good news is these puppies get so much attention they are usually wonderful companions and just need a little extra attention to dog socialization as youngsters to develop good canine social skills. She is a very independent puppy and I feel that teaching her how to learn and communicate early on made her just a bit easier to live with!
Ch Megavilles Signing Off, ROM ex Ch Nuance Naughty or Nice, ROM, GCG, RN, RATO

Livi ex Josh, litter of 3 whelped 6/23/2017
In this breeding, I am combining two dogs that are of fairly similar type, although of vastly different size and pedigrees. Both are well constructed, good movers with lovely profiles and flawless mouths. I am hoping to improve on Livi’s expression and bone and tighten up Josh’s length of loin just a bit. Livi is very bright and busy, and is actually a wonderful performance dog, at least for a Bull Terrier! I am hoping Josh will take her busy-ness down a notch, although I do admit I like the smart ones!
This will be the first litter I have raised using the Puppy Culture protocols which emphasize early exposure to variety of experiences and early training. I am enjoying helping my pups be more than ready for anything life throws at them when they leave home. I will expect new puppy owners to continue providing positive training and enrichment activities.
GCHS Ch Soquel Millenium Seafarer, ROM ex Ch Nuance Nonetheless

Vanna ex Archie litter of 11 whelped 8/4/2014
In this breeding, I am combining Vanna’s clean lines, lovely neck and shoulder and elegance with the substance and cobbiness from Archie’s side. Both dogs are very well constructed and get along well with other dogs and I expect the puppies will have potential to do well in all-breed as well as specialty competition. A well constructed dog is also one that can participate in family activities for longer periods without getting stiff or sore. This litter combines linebred pedigrees from top Australian, UK, and American lines, with top producer Am Ch Carousel’s Ronin Samurai, ROM appearing multiple times along with Aust Ch Bulroarus Roman Candle and UK Ch Emred Devil’s Chance
Eleven puppies were whelped on August 4, 2014 and several are very promising, including two black brindles that will be staying at Nuance. Several puppies are staying local, but they’ve also found homes in Alberta, Florida, Indiana, New Jersey, and Ohio.
Ch Aragon’s Ruffin Around, ROM ex Am/Can Ch Nuance Nonsense, ROM, RATS

Marley ex Winston, litter of 5 puppies whelped 3/25/2012
In this breeding, I hope to take Marley’s wonderful balance and soundness and add just a touch more substance and typiness from Winston. Both dogs have sweet personalities and similar pedigrees, going back to both the elegant solid red littermates Ch Silmaril Scarlet Knight and Ch Silmaril Scarlet Princess and typy top producers such as Ch Horizon’s Ruffin Roulette and Ch Action’s Headed for Fame, ROM
Five white puppies were born March 25, 2012, as of October, 2014 the two girls, Livi, GCH Ch Nuance Naughty or Nice ROM and Lily, GCH Ch Nuance None of Your Biz at Foxairn, ROM owned by Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine and Sandy McIlwaine as well as brother Willis GCH Ch Nuance No Fooling Around at Bulliard, ROM have finished their AKC Grand Championships and BTCA Recognition of Merit titles. Willis, Ch Nuance No Fooling Around at Bulliard co-owned with Michelle Long was also Reserve White Dog at the 2016 Silverwood.
Ch Bullroarus Tuff at the Top ex Ch Nuance Nonchalance, ROM

Jolie ex Max, litter of 8 puppies born 3/11/2011
In late 2010, Jolie relocated to live with her sire’s breeder, Dr Carl Pew DVM, in Utah. She was bred in January, 2011 to Max, who is linebred to her grandsire, the influential Austalian sire, Ch Bulroarus Roman Candle. There were several promising puppies in this litter, and two finished their championships in 2013, a brindle dog, Diablo, Ch Silmaril Sly Devil and a white bitch, Vanna, Ch Nuance Nonetheless. Vanna lives with John and Pam Rorke and their other Bully, Ivan (Nuance National Pastime) in Higgins Lake, Michigan.
Ch Emred Rum Runner ex Ch Nuance Nonchalance, ROM

Jolie ex George, 1 puppy born 11/11/2009
In this litter I hoped to improve on Jolie’s rear and bite while reducing her overall scope to get a more short coupled, typier dog. George contributes good solid body structure with strength of head and a pedigree chock full of correct dentition. Jolie only had one puppy from the first attempt at this breeding, but he looks like he he’s approaching my goal, he’s got a short back, lovely head and fluid movement. This puppy, “Carson” whose registered name is Ch. Nuance Nightcap, went Winners Dog for 5 points at the 2010 BTCMD specialty from the 9-12 months puppy class and finished his championship in March, 2013 at the BTCA specialty in held in conjunction with the BTC of St Louis shows under Susan Murphy.
Nikki and Tug
Ch. Old Forge Tug McGraw at Chevalier, ROM
ex Am/Can Ch Nuance Night and Day, ROM

Nikki ex Tug, litter of 5 puppies whelped August 16, 2007:
This litter is line bred to Nikki’s sire, Ch Brummagem Chips Ahoy, ROM, a BTCA Stud Dog Emeritus. I’m hoping Tug will add a bit more length of neck and better rear movement, while Nikki contributes her more compact typiness. Both parents are great show dogs with upbeat attitudes and multiple specialty wins and group placements.
Ch Silmaril Scarlet Knight
ex Nuance Nonconformance

Anna Nicole ex Joey, litter of 6 whelped 1/18/2006
This litter was a study in contrasts, an outcross between a small (40 pound) typey bitch and a large (80 lb) elegant dog. I was looking to improve Anna’s length of neck and lose some of her extreme flexibility to get a sturdier feeling dog. Anna is tightly linebred to Am/Can Ch Jocko’s Caesar of Magor and also has a liver pigmentation, I was hoping to leverage the great producing capacity of “Julius” while masking the liver factor.
This litter exceeded my expectations with exceptional quality; their sire and dam were the recipients of the BTCA’s Stud Dog and Brood Bitch Trophies for 2008. I truly believe that most if not all could finish their championships had they been placed in show homes. They managed to combine the best traits of both parents and several exceed their parents in at least one dimension. Among the 3 that have been shown, Marley (Am/Can Ch Nuance Nonsense, ROM) both won the Silverwood Trophy and is Top Bull Terrier in Canada for 2008, Jolie (Ch Nuance Nonchalance, ROM) was Reserve Colored Bitch to her sister at the 2008 Silverwood and has several AKC group placements, and Arlo (Nuance Nightfall) has 7 points including a major. The two girls each were also Silverwood finalists in 2007. Brother Woodrow (Nuance Northwoods) has not been shown in conformation, but received a Canine Good Citizen award in 2008.
Ch Brummagen Chips Ahoy, ROM
ex Am/Can Ch Horizon’s Harlequin Romance, RN

Ada ex Johnny, 10 puppies born 8/9/2002
In this litter I wanted to improve on Ada’s head and bone while linebreeding to the great producer, Am/Can Ch Jocko’s Caesar of Magor (Julius) I got a wonderful assortment of colors and genders.Two siblings; Am/Can Ch Nuance Nougat Center, ROM and Am/Can Ch Nuance Night and Day were were awarded the BTCA ROM title and became Silverwood finalists. Another sibling, Nuance Nebula, had 10 points and both majors before being retired due to health concerns and my delightful Anna Nicole (Nuance Nonconformance) would most likely have become a champion if she had correct pigmentation. Members of this litter are exceptionally smart and charismatic, which as they say, is a Mixed Blessing!