GCH Ch Nuance Night in Tunisia, ROM, CGC, TKN

By SGCH Ch Soquel Millenium Seafarer, ROM ex Ch Nuance Nonetheless
Photo by Nugent
Iris’s pedigree in pdf format
Iris accomplished the difficult feat of finishing her ROM before her AKC Championship by going Reserve Colored Bitch at the 2015 Silverwood competition at just 14 months of age. She finished her AKC championship the following spring at the Illiana supported cluster under Victoria Corse. She is very bright, but not quite as biddable as her cousin Livi. We are making baby steps toward a performance career, and she was awarded her Canine Good Citizen title through a training class conducted at work in the spring of 2017 and then finished her Trick Dog Novice title at the Bull Terrier Club of the Niagara Frontier’s 2018 specialty weekend.
- Iris’s Show Wins 2018
- 9/2/2018 Bull Terrier Club of the Niagara Frontier Judge: Alison Ibbitson Select, 5 GCH points
- 9/1/2018 Bull Terrier Club of America Judge: Dale Schuur BV and BOS to BB 5 GCH points
- 9/1/2018 Bull Terrier Club of the Niagara Frontier Trick Dog Novice
- 8/4/2018 Beaver County KC, Judge Scott Ibbitson Select 5 GCH points
- 3/11/2018 Bull Terrier Club of St Louis, Judge Naomi Waynee, Select 5 GCH points
- 3/10/2018 Bull Terrier Club of St Louis, Judge Russell Lamonby, Select, 5 GCH points
- 2/10/2018 Central Indiana KC, Judge Loraine Boutwell, 2 GCH points
- 2/9/2018, Hoosier Kennel Club, Judge Barbara Demsey Alderman, Select 1 GCH point
- Iris’s Show Wins 2017
- 5/12/2017, Pet Supplies Plus Pet Central, CGC awarded Evaluator: Diane
- Iris’s Show Wins 2016
- 10/15/2016 Finalist, Silverwood Colored Bitch Competition Judges: Naomi Waynee and Becky Poole
- 10/2/2016 Monroe KC BV Judge: Ray Sharp
- 9/30/2016 Terrier Club of Michigan Select Bitch Judge: Alison Ibbitson
- 5/30/2016Corn Belt Kennel Club WB, BW for 2 AKC points Judge: Victoria Corse
- Iris’s Show Wins 2015
- 10/17/2015 Silverwood Competition, Reserve Colored Bitch Judges: Phil Brodeur and Susan Murphy for 3 ROM points
- 9/25/2015 Terrier Club of Michigan WB, BW for 4 AKC points and 2 ROM points Judge: Duff Harris
- 6/14/2015 Greater Clarksburg WV KC WB,BW for 5 AKC points and 2 ROM points Judge: Roz Clamper
- 6/13/2015 Golden Triangle BTC WB, BW, BOS for 5 AKC points and 3 ROM points Judge: Naomi Waynee
Contact Cleo
Updated April 5, 2019